The Nitra district round of the Tompa Mihály National Competition was held at our faculty

The Faculty of Central European Studies hosted the XXVII. of the Nitra district round of the Tompa Mihály National Competition on April 3rd.

32 excited and enthusiastic reciters from the Zobor area have attended the competition. The organizing team was helped by our faculty’s second-year kindergarten and Hungarian teacher students. While some helped with the registration, others briefed the contestants, took photos and helped relieve the tension with dramatic and experimental educational games, thereby lightening the mood. Two of our students were also part of the jury. This way, our students were able to get an insight into the professional part of the competition and gain practical organizational experience, all of which they can use in their future teaching careers.

Music could be heard in the hallways as well. A few students of our faculty – Virág Mercédesz Fóthi, Ádám Mezei and Máté Csáky – treated the contestants and their teachers to a “mini-concert” during the opening of the competition. After that, Gabriella Petres Csizmadia greeted the participants and the competition began under the direction of Anikó N. Tóth.

The competition had two categories: poetry and prose. The students competed in age groups. All of the competitors did their best, they performed very skilfully. After the competition, the jury retired to make its decision. To the delight of the contestants, the waiting time for the results was filled with games led by Vivien Hegedűs. Several commented that they would definitely come next year.

The following students can continue the competition at the national semi-finals:

  • Category 1: Lilien Gál
  • Category 2: Dóra Gálik
  • Category 3: Daniela Šonkoľ

Jury: Anikó N. Tóth, Katalin Lőrincz, Máté Csáky


  • Category 1: Lea Gyepes
  • Category 2: Aliz Szakács
  • Category 3: Noémi Gálik

Jury: Gabriella Petres Csizmadia, Csilla Csobády, Justztina Bondor

We congratulate the contestants and their teachers, thank you for your participation, and wish all those who have advanced the best of luck!

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Nikolett Asztalos – first-year Hungarian-biology student

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Fakulta stredoeurópskych štúdií

Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre

Dražovská cesta 4, 949 01, Nitra

tel: +421 37 6408 853