International conference in Spain

Two teachers of the Institute of the Hungarian Language and Literary Science, prof. Mgr. Ildikó Vančo, PhD. and Dr. habil. István Kozmács, PhD. and two PhD students of our department, Mgr. Anna Oros Bugár and Mgr. Csilla Csobády, attended the 41st AESLA International Conference in Valencia, Spain, from 17 to 19 April.

The conference topics related to applied linguistics were presented in Spanish and Englis. In the afternoon of the opening day, Csilla Csobády presented the results of her ongoing research. In the school year 2023/24, she is applying toponymal research using project-based learning method through workshops in the 9th grade of an elementary school.

On Thursday, Anna Oros Bugár presented the results of a questionnaire and task-based survey conducted among the students of our faculty. Her research focused on the acquisition of Slovak and English by young Hungarians in Slovakia, comparing their language competences and experiences with the education of the two target languages.

Later in the morning, Professor Ildikó Vančo presented the results of a joint research project with her PhD student Dániel Illés, which focused on the perception of dialectal elements in formal speech situations.

The second day of the conference was quite busy, as there were two more of “our” presentations in the afternoon. This time, Ildikó Vančo and István Kozmács presented the possibilities of applying translinguistic pedagogy in mother tongue education of monolingual children.

Another presenter was Mgr. Patrik Schulz, PhD. a former PhD student of our institute, currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Ramon Llull University, Esade Business School in Barcelona. His joint research with his former consultant PhDr. Gizella Szabómihály, PhD. focused on equipping future bilingual mediators with the competences that employers expect from them. The survey was conducted among mayors of Hungarian municipalities in Slovakia.

Personal participation in the international conference brought a lot of experience to the colleagues of our institute. They were able to get acquainted with interesting research areas as well as to gain insight into the linguistic situation of multilingual Spain in the city of Valencia.






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