The Szép Magyar Beszéd competition was held at our faculty

The Institute of the Hungarian Language and Literary Science has organized the faculty round of the Szép Magyar Beszéd competition on April 23, 2024. This competition is about reading out loud in Hungarian and focuses on perfect speech and pronunciation. Seven students participated in the competition, but the audience was filled as well.

The competition consisted of two parts: reading a freely chosen text, then reading a text that was given to the competitors on the spot. The freely chosen texts offered many interesting topics to the audience: some read about strange words, while others reflected on market vendors – or how much work goes into making a soup? After the recent visit of Ádám Nádasdy, the competition’s organizers were also inspired. After the freely chosen texts, the students were given a short text written by Nádasdy himself.

Jury: Ján Bauko, Anikó N. Tóth and István Kozmács – came to the following conclusion:

1st: Ádám Mezei

2nd: Jusztina Bondor

3rd: Vivien Hegedűs

The first two winners will represent our faculty at the national finals, which will take place at the beginning of May at the Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, at the Vitéz János Teacher Training Centre in Esztergom, Hungary.

We sincerely congratulate all competitors!

Szep magyar beszed 2024 01

Szep magyar beszed 2024 02

Written and photographed by: Zsuzsa Hajabács

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