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The Magic of Erasmus+ in Spain                                   

As a student of the Department of Tourism, I spent the summer semester of the academic year 2022/2023 in Spain. Applying for the Erasmus+ programme was one of my best decisions.

Through the Erasmus+ program, I decided to spend a semester in Almería, a city in southern Spain. The whole experience was fantastic, and I made many memories and friends. My best friend and I embarked on this journey of learning and adventure, unaware of how amazing it would turn out to be.

Almería is a beautiful city on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, with stunning historical and cultural attractions. In the first few days, I quickly fell in love with the life here, the abundant sunshine, and the friendly people.

The university where I studied was incredibly welcoming and friendly. I met students from countries like Germany, Italy, France, and many more. During our time together, we formed a very close-knit community and participated in numerous exciting events.

Life in Almería was breathtaking. The city is filled with cafes, restaurants, and bars where I could taste the local cuisine and enjoy the Spanish nightlife. I spent a lot of my time on the beach, taking seaside walks and sunbathing.

During my Erasmus year, we went on several trips, exploring many beautiful places in Spain and its surroundings. We spent a weekend in Barcelona, where we immersed ourselves in Gaudí's fascinating works, strolled along the famous pedestrian street La Rambla, and enjoyed the bustling beachfront.

We also spent an entire week in Ibiza, where we were enchanted by the nightlife and the charm of the beautiful beaches. We partied in world-renowned clubs, relaxed on sandy shores, and marvelled at breathtaking sunsets.

One of our most memorable adventures took place in Chefchaouen, Morocco. We spent a whole week in this dreamlike blue city. We wandered through its streets, covered in sky-blue houses, tasted local Moroccan food, and admired the richness of the local culture. We shopped for souvenirs in the markets and experienced the hospitality of the locals. Additionally, we had the opportunity to ride camels on a beautifully scenic sandy beach.

We also spent a day in Gibraltar, where we climbed the famous Rock, encountered the famous monkeys, and admired the stunning views of the sea and the surrounding landscape.

We visited smaller towns near Almería, where we discovered the region's historical sites and indulged in Spanish cuisine.

One of the greatest advantages of the Erasmus+ program was the opportunity to improve my English language skills. I spoke English daily with friends and teachers, which greatly helped develop my language proficiency.

Overall, my Erasmus+ experience in Almería was exceptional. I learned a lot about myself and the world, made new friends, and collected lifelong memories. Almería was not just about studying and university life but also about exploration and adventures. We discovered stunning places through our excursions and enriched our lives with new experiences.

Erasmus+ was one of the best decisions I made. I received countless opportunities through the university-organized programs and engagement with local life. The friends I made here and the adventures I experienced will remain unforgettable for me. The Erasmus program was not just about studying; it was about experiencing the world, getting to know different cultures, and building friendships. Spending a full semester in Almería thanks to Erasmus was a life-changing experience.

I highly recommend everyone to participate in the Erasmus+ program because it is an opportunity that can change your life.

Almeria 01

Almeria 02

Almeria 03

Almeria 04

Almeria 05

Anita Bertalan
Student of the Department of Tourism

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