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Erasmus+: Life-Changing Adventures in Spain

Thanks to Erasmus+ programme, I spent the summer semester of the 2022/2023 academic year in Spain, specifically in the city of Almería. I am proud to say that the Erasmus+ prog­­ramme has changed my life forever.

The last five months have given me an experience that will stay with me forever.

One of the most memorable parts of my Erasmus+ experience was the number of new people I met from all over the world. I immediately made friends with fellow students who were as adventurous as I was. I made friends with Germans, Italians, French, and many other nationalities who enriched my experience with their diversity. During our time together, I was exposed to new perspectives and cultures, which broadened my view of the world. Throughout Erasmus+, I formed friendships that will last a lifetime. Although I felt a bit out of place in the first few days in a new environment, I soon realized that we were all here for the same purpose: to gain new experiences and broaden our knowledge of the world. We quickly grew closer and became a support system for each other in this foreign environment. I still keep in touch with my Erasmus+ friends and plan to meet them again in the future because I believe these friendships will last a lifetime.

Almería boasts many local attractions that I could not miss during my Erasmus+ stay. The famous Alcazaba Fortress welcomed me with its amazing Moorish architecture and stunning views of the city. The nearby Cabo de Gata nature reserve offered wonderful beaches and stunning marine life. The tapas bars also provided a taste of true Spanish culture while allowing me to sample delicious Spanish food and drinks.

During the Erasmus+ programme, I felt fortunate to have had plenty of time to explore Spain. The country boasts a rich history and cultural heritage, and I enjoyed touring its fascinating cities and landscapes. I visited Barcelona, Ibiza, Valencia, and many other places. These trips have left me with memories that I will never forget. I also managed to visit Morocco and Portugal. I never imagined I could visit so many places and meet so many new people in such a short period of time. I truly believe that these have been the most memorable months of my life, and none of this would have happened if I hadn't applied for Erasmus+ mobility.

If anyone is still hesitating about applying for the Erasmus+ programme, I would definitely say that it is worth taking the plunge. Erasmus+ is an opportunity to explore the world, make new friends, and learn about different cultures. Spending time in a foreign country broadens your horizons, improves your language skills and confidence, and helps you to find your place in the world. Erasmus+ was one of the best decisions of my life, and I would recommend everyone to take advantage of this fantastic opportunity.

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Boglárka Sáradi
Student of the Department of Tourism

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Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre

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tel: +421 37 6408 853