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TRAIN-e-HOTEL Project meeting in Lecce

the Department of Tourism took part in an international project meeting in Italy on 19-21 September 2023.

The Department of Tourism from the Faculty of Central European Studies, University of Constantine the Philosopher in Nitra, as the leading institution of the international project Train-e-Hotel: Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership KA220-HED-000023291, represented by Ing. Norbert Beták, PhD., PhDr. Viktória Bíziková, PhD., MBA, Mgr. Viktória Gergelyová, PhD., Ing. Hana Bieliková, PhD., RNDr. PaedDr. Ján Veselovský, PhD. and Mgr. Mária Kondé Pindesová participated in an international project meeting.

The international meeting was hosted by the University of Salento in Lecce, Italy. The partner universities, – the University of Pannonia in Hungary, the University of Silesia in the Czech Republic, and Turiba University in Riga – were also present at the project meeting.

The main agenda of the meeting included presentations showcasing the partial results achieved within the project in the realms of research and educational activities. The project actively involved students from the study fields of the participating institutions. In Lecce, the discussions revolved around valuable insights into innovative approaches to training future tourism professionals, utilizing a fictional hotel, and exploring sustainability in tourism within the framework of sustainable accommodation facility management. The meeting also focused on developing a digital marketing campaign and contributing to the preparation for the implementation of a hotel information system, including the application of the Property Management System (PMS).

Each session featured in-depth discussions, the exchange of viewpoints, knowledge, and experiences pertinent to the addressed project areas. The TRAIN-e-HOTEL project is currently in progress, effectively fulfilling its objectives. It is noteworthy that the project consistently bridges the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world hotel management practices for students, enhancing their knowledge and skills. Furthermore, it deepens their general and professional competencies necessary for employment within the tourism industry.

A highlight of our visit to Lecce was the city tour, encompassing the historical center, the city walls, and the Baroque cathedral.

Lecce 01

Lecce 02

Lecce 03

Text and Photo: RNDR. PaedDr. Ján Veselovský, PhD. and Mgr. Viktória Gergelyová, PhD.

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Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre

Dražovská cesta 4, 949 01, Nitra

tel: +421 37 6408 853