A Fun-Filled Open Day at the Foot of Zobor Mountain

The Open Day on the 22nd of February 2024 at the Faculty of Central European Studies of Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra was a great success.

The event not only provided an insight into the possibilities of studying at the university, but also offered an opportunity for the interested students to make sure that the programmes and options offered by the faculty are in line with their individual interests, goals and career plans.

The Open Day started with the introduction of the faculty, followed by a presentation by representatives of the JUGYIK student club, who showed the diversity and excitement of Hungarian university life in Nitra through their own experiences, as well as programmes and community events organized by JUGYIK.

The Open Day continued with a presentation of the individual departments. Visitors were given precise information about the study programmes and had the opportunity to talk directly to the lecturers and students of the respective departments. The presentations gave visitors a colourful insight into the study opportunities offered by the Institute of the Hungarian Language and Literary Science, namely the teacher, interpreter-translator and bilingual mediator study programmes. The Institute of the Education of Teachers presented its programmes for pre-school teachers and teacher training, while the Institute of Central European Languages and Cultures presented its programme for Central European Areal Studies. Visitors were given an insight into the Regional Tourism study programme by the Department of Tourism.

In addition to the institutional presentations, there were a number of interesting lectures, workshops and quizzes, which offered a taste of the variety of subjects and brought the different aspects of university life closer to the visitors. Participants had the chance to learn about robotics, the role of AI in education, a playful approach to dialect, the challenges of teamwork, the mysteries of preschool maths and the specialities of the Czech, Polish and Hungarian cultures. The event also included talks about scholarships, competitions, academic student conferences, and the countries where students from the faculty can go for part-time studying or vocational trainings.

The Open Day ended with a special tour. The interested students were able to visit the university library and see the modern rooms in our dormitories.

Overall, the event was a great success, and the positive feedback from the participants showed that it clearly met everyone's needs and expectations. The Open Day proved once again that the local university offers an open and friendly atmosphere for its current and future students, as well as many opportunities for personal and professional development.

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Author: Mgr. Viktória Gergelyová, PhD.
Photos: Mgr. Tibor Szabó, PhD. a študenti FSŠ

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Fakulta stredoeurópskych štúdií

Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre

Dražovská cesta 4, 949 01, Nitra

tel: +421 37 6408 853