Teachers of our faculty at the 22nd Hungarian Sociolinguistic Conference

Between September 6-8, 2023, the 22nd Hungarian Sociolinguistic Conference took place at Eötvös Lóránd University in Budapest.

The theme of the conference was The social impact of sociolinguistic research. Members of our institute also participated at the event with their presentations.

Ján Bauko, the head of the institute, presented about how research focused on Hungarian proper names in Slovakia contributes to the study of onomastics. He also highlighted the social benefits of socio-onomastic research.

Károly Presinszky, in his presentation analysed Hungarian audiobooks in Slovakia from a bilingual perspective.

The following presenters of our faculty were Ildikó Vančo, István Kozmács and Dániel Illés (doctoral student), who introduced the results of their research on representations of language varieties in Hungarian grammar teaching in Slovakia, the relationship between language varieties and discrimination, and students’ attitudes towards language varieties.

The program was enriched by a roundtable discussion, in which a Slovakian content creator, Ákos Kovács participated, who is famous for his videos “Szaval a jó öreg csallóközi” (in translation: The good old Rye Islander recites), in which he promotes a Hungarian dialect spoken in the south-western “Rye Island” region of Slovakia.


Dániel Illés and Anna Oros Bugár
PhD. Students

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Fakulta stredoeurópskych štúdií

Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre

Dražovská cesta 4, 949 01, Nitra

tel: +421 37 6408 853

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