No rest for learning – Participation in the 27th Carpathian Basin Summer University
For the 27th time, Eötvös Lóránd University organised the Carpathian Basin Summer University, this year focusing on Artificial Intelligence. Thanks to the support of BIP (Blended Intensive Programme), five students from the Faculty of Central European Studies were able to participate in the interesting lectures of the Summer University. The invited experts presented the functions, secrets and tricks of artificial intelligence from a pedagogical, legal and scientific point of view.
At the opening ceremony 150 Hungarian students from abroad were welcomed by the university’s Rector, László Borhy and two State Secretaries, Veronika Varga-Bajusz and Boglárka Illés. The ceremony ended with a performance by the Fuvalom Music Band.
The first two days of the three-day programme were filled with plenary lectures, while on the last day, students could choose between legal, science and pedagogy sections. Participants were able to gain in-depth insights into topics such as the use of AI in education, European regulation of AI, data protection, or AI in the world of the visually impaired, rehabilitation, criminal law, physics, child education and translation.
In addition to the lectures, attendees could also choose from several leisure activities. Those who did not tire from the long journey could get rid of all their excess energy with dancing, while others attended the screening of the film Four Souls of Coyote. There was also an opportunity to take a guided tour of Budapest or spend several hours wandering around the Museum of Fine Arts. At the House of Hungarian Music, visitors could listen to a part of the new album by Platon Karataev, which was visualised in the Sound Dome with a three-dimensional video clip bundle in the form of a short film. Saturday was spent exploring the town of Szentendre.
After the students received their certificates at the closing ceremony, the Summer University programme was once again rounded off with a performance by the Fuvalom Music Band. Artificial intelligence is an inevitable part of our future, and the 27th Carpathian Basin Summer University ensured that current students were as familiar and prepared as possible for its use.
Written and photographed by: Zsuzsa Hajabács