Pedagogue at the Faculty of Central European Studies at a panel discussion in Vienna

Anikó N. Tóth, pedagogue at the Institute of  Hungarian Linguistics and Literature, participated in a panel discussion at the Loffice Wien on 13 October 2023.

The event was part of the #itthonotthon (#at home) series of events and was organised in cooperation with Austrian Lean in Femspace, KultPult and Bázis Association in Slovakia. In addition to Anikó N Tóth, Éva Bandor, actor (Slovakia), Hesna Al Ghaoui, journalist, reporter, writer (Hungary) and Katarina Durica, writer, journalist (Belgium) discussed the themes of courage and going or staying, with questions from the moderators, Fanni Erzsébet Tóth (Sigmund Freud University, Vienna) and Mariann Bencze (KultPult), and the audience. The panel discussion was well received by the Hungarian community in Vienna.

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