Constantine the Philosopher University at the Congress in Madrid                  

Complutense University of Madrid organized the VII. international congress on world spiritual literature (October 19-20, 2023), and it was also attended by representatives from Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, specifically doc. Ján Gallik from Faculty of Central European Studies and doc. Magda Kučerková from Faculty of Arts.

As a part of several lectures, the conference participants were also interested in the lecture by doc. Ján Gallik, who spoke about the literary work of two Central European authors - the Slovak Pavol Strauss and the Pole Jan Twardowski. The presentation of the proceedings The Figurativeness of the Language of Mystical Experience Particularities and Interpretations (Brno: Munipress, 2021) was part of the conference program. It was presented as an output from the commonly organized conference of the same name by its editors doc. Magda Kučerková and prof. Antonio Barnés Vázquez (Complutense). Both of them underlined that this is the first tangible result of the scientific cooperation of their institutions and also an example of rare thematic intersections of individual research teams. The authors of the articles published in the anthology tried to bring closer the figurative nature of the language of mystical experience and to deepen the literary-theoretical thinking about the so-called poetics of the inexpressible, the participants of the Madrid congress investigated the presence of the inexpressible instance of God in contemporary literary work. The visit to the Faculty of Philology, Complutense University in Madrid was also used by both aforementioned representatives from Constantine the Philosopher University for working meetings connected with the preparation of new common projects.Madrid 01

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Text: doc. PhDr. Ján Gallik, PhD. (ÚSJK FSŠ) and doc. Mgr. Magda Kučerková, PhD. (FF KRaG)
Photo: doc. PhDr. Ján Gallik, PhD.

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Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre

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