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IX. Carpathian Basin Special College Conference

The Hungarian Summer University in The Carpathian Basin was organized by the Eötvös Loránd University.

It was held in Budapest from 25th to 28th of July and aimed to provide a meeting place for Hungarian university students and lecturers from the Carpathian Basin at which they could expand their professional knowledge.

This was my first time participating in this event, and as a member of the Special College of Márton Áron of the Eötvös Loránd University, I got the opportunity to present the results of my research conducted in the past year at one of the humanities sessions of the IX. Carpathian Basin Special College Conference. With the help of my advisor, doc. Mgr. Tóth Anikó, PhD.,I researched aviation language and jargon in English and Hungarian, and analyzed its use through the Top Gun duology.

I was able to get to know my young research colleagues much better, both during and outside the sessions, and I also had the chance to make new friendships and acquaintances. It was unbelievably interesting to immerse myself in their topics of research, which were in each and every case incredibly unique. In addition to the plenary and specialized sessions, we could also take part in leisure activities which brought us even closer together while wandering the streets of Budapest and Visegrád.

When I decided last year to combine my love for cinema and translation to find out what and who was hiding behind those aviator sunglasses, I had no idea how much this week was going to influence my professional and personal development.

IX karpat medencei szakkoleégiumi konferencia 01

IX karpat medencei szakkoleégiumi konferencia 02

Friderika Bóna

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Fakulta stredoeurópskych štúdií

Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre

Dražovská cesta 4, 949 01, Nitra

tel: +421 37 6408 853