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About the second round of the Legere Literary Contest

The second round of the XII Legere Literary Contest took place on the 7th of November in the lecture halls of the Faculty of Pedagogy of the Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra.

Teachers of the Faculty of Central European Studies, all doctoral students and our senior MA students actively participated in the organization of the event. Just like in the previous round, 24 teams of Hungarian high school students gathered and competed with great enthusiasm.

As usual, the opening ceremony was hosted by Anikó N. Tóth.  Afterwards, the student teams of three were given the competition sheets and could start filling them in. The reading material for this round included János Vitéz by the Hungarian poet Sándor Petőfi and other texts reflecting on the famous writer in contemporary literature. While the students were working on the tests, Gabriella Petres Csizmadia, a teacher from our faculty, held a creative session for the accompanying teachers. We are proud of our colleague who has created an exciting literary board game, which is a great teaching tool to make Imre Madách’s The tragedy of Man (which is one of the main themes of this year’s Legere) a memorable learning experience. After the interactive session, the students and their teachers were able to refresh themselves at the cafeteria.

After the break, the participants attended a lecture by Miklós Forgács, playwright and dramaturge on the staging traditions of The Tragedy of Man from 1883 to 2024. The competitors listened with great interest to this theatrical, thought-provoking performance, which was a prelude to the next round of the competition. The key to the test and the criteria for the upcoming round were then presented.

The Legere will continue on 8 December at our university. We are looking forward to welcoming the participants to the final round!

XII Legere 2 01

XII Legere 2 02

XII Legere 2 03

Kovács Rebeka és Jenei Máté ötödéves magyar szakos hallgatók, a verseny szervezői
Fotó: Hajabács Zsuzsa

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Fakulta stredoeurópskych štúdií

Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre

Dražovská cesta 4, 949 01, Nitra

tel: +421 37 6408 853