The City of Your Studies

Nitra is a university city of youth. It is the seat of two universities – Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra and Slovak University of Agriculture. Nitra is one of the oldest Slovak towns,  and university life is an intersection of historical traditions and modern trends of contemporary life.

Lovers of quiet corners will be attracted by the Upper Town, dominated by the Nitra Castle with its cathedral on a rocky hill surrounded by the Nitra River. Important historical, political and social events are linked to the castle. If you want to know more about the history, monuments and other facts about the town, search or
However, contemporary Nitra is also a city of commerce and consumerism. There are many boutiques, mainly aimed at the young, and several large department stores, supermarkets.
The Andrej Bagar Theatre is important in the cultural context of Slovakia. However, its reputation also goes beyond the borders of the country. Every year, the international theatre festival Divadelná Nitra takes place here, in the organisation of which our students also participate. It is an extraordinary presentation of top European theatre, complemented by other types of art and educational activities.
Nitra also has an important position in sport in Slovakia. Especially hockey matches have an unrepeatable atmosphere, a spectator backdrop that drives the players to maximum performance. The Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra is significantly represented by basketball and volleyball teams.

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Fakulta stredoeurópskych štúdií

Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre

Dražovská cesta 4, 949 01, Nitra

tel: +421 37 6408 853