Application requirements for the Master study programmes
The basic requirement for admission to the study programmes of the second degree pursuant to Section 53 (1) of Act No. 131/2002 Coll. on higher education and on amendment and supplementation of certain acts is a first-degree university degree or a second-degree university degree, while the number of credits obtained for the previous higher education study leading to the higher education degree must be at least 180 credits.
Applicants may combine the study programme of Teacher Training in Hungarian Language and Literature in a double major* with any other subject offered by the other UKF Faculties. The Faculty also participates in the implementation of other study programmes in the teaching of subjects for schools with Hungarian as the language of instruction, which are offered by other faculties of the Charles University Faculty of Arts. In this case, the applicant indicates on the application form that he/she is interested in studying 'for schools with Hungarian as the language of instruction'.
The Faculty of Central European Studies reserves the right not to open a study programme for which a small number of applicants apply. In such a case, the application documents with all attachments as well as the admission fee will be returned to the applicant.
Principles of admission to the Master's programme 2024/2025