Accredited Study Programmes


Study programmes for the academic year 2020/2021.

Education at the Faculty of Central European Studies is based on the ECTS (European Credit Transfer System), which allows our students to study abroad and foreign students to study at our institution. Our faculty offers several teacher and non-teacher study programmes at Bachelor (BA) and Master level (MA), as well as two doctoral (PhD) programmes.

The work of eminent national and international experts teaching at our faculty has resulted in the awarding of internationally recognised degrees. We consider it important and necessary to expand our range of studies, taking into account the needs of our community and the challenges of the labour market.

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Fakulta stredoeurópskych štúdií

Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre

Dražovská cesta 4, 949 01, Nitra

tel: +421 37 6408 853